Collection: School to work transition

This collection includes all surveys published by ISTAT in the System of surveys on the transition from education to employment. So far three surveys are part of it: Courses of study and work of high school diploma holders, Professional integration of graduates, Professional integration of PhD holders. The choice to analyze the phenomenon at a certain distance from the qualification, traditionally detected in three years, is motivated both by the need to take account of the conclusion of further qualification activities and by the fact that the time of insertion in the labour market is not short, especially if you also want to investigate the quality of their job. The system is, on the one hand, an important source of data for benchmarking the performance of different qualifications on the labor market; on the other hand, it's a useful tool for evaluating the effectiveness of the system of higher education in its complex. The surveys allow, among other things, to investigate the influence of social background, both the school and university selection process, and the process of transition to work.