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Flash Eurobarometer 463, 467, 469, 470 and 473 studies released by the GESIS archive

The GESIS Data Archive has made available five new Flash Eurobarometer studies, listed below. The data are freely downloadable from the GESIS website, following the DOI address listed alongside the individual study: […]


New version: 2 Eurobarometer’surveys updated

UniData’s archive has released a new version of the following Eurobarometer’s surveys:   Eurobarometer 82.3: living conditions, trust in institutions, impact of the economic crisis, European citizenship, Europe 2020 (2014) […]


[CALL – DL: 2018-09-29] 6th European User Conference

Researchers of all disciplines (e.g. economics, demography, geography, political science, public health, and sociology) who use Eurostat microdata (SILC, LFS, AES, SES, CIS, CSIS, EHIS, HBS and TUS ) are […]


New version: Eurobarometer 84.4 (2015)

The Data Archive releases a new version of the Eurobarometer 84.4: development, cooperation and aid, animal welfare, tobacco black market, nature-based solutions (2015) The changelog is as follows: version 3.0: data update […]


Flash Eurobarometer 461, 462, 465, 466 and 468 studies released by the GESIS archive

The GESIS Data Archive has made available five new Flash Eurobarometer studies, listed below. The data are freely downloadable from the GESIS website, following the DOI address listed alongside the individual study: […]