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Flash Eurobarometer 479 study released by the GESIS archive

The GESIS Data Archive has made available a new Flash Eurobarometer study, listed below. The data are freely downloadable from the GESIS website, following the DOI address listed alongside the […]


New version: one Eurobarometer’survey updated

UniData’s archive has released a new version of the following Eurobarometer’s survey: Eurobarometer 88.4: Sport and physical activity, and EU citizens, Agriculture and the CAP (2017) – updated to the last […]


New version: Italian Labour Force Survey – July (2017)

The Data Archive releases a new version of the Italian Labour Force Survey – July (2017) survey. The changelog is as follows: version 1.1: updating documentation


Flash Eurobarometer 474, 475, 476 and 478 studies released by the GESIS archive

The GESIS Data Archive has made available four new Flash Eurobarometer studies, listed below. The data are freely downloadable from the GESIS website, following the DOI address listed alongside the […]


New version: Italian Labour Force Survey – April (2017)

The Data Archive releases a new version of the Italian Labour Force Survey – April (2017) survey. The changelog is as follows: version 2.0: update to the new release of the source, […]