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Data Kind:
individual data
Time Dimensions:
longitudinal (panel)
wave 2
other documentation
ILQA-19 is a longitudinal qualitative case study. It investigates the social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic on older people’s well-being and everyday life. It is conducted on a purposive sample of 40 older men and women aged between 65 and 80 living in the ten villages (located in the Northern part of Italy) that experienced the first lockdown in Europe.
All data collection phases, i.e. recruitment, interviewing, and gaining informed consent, were performed by remote. We also adopted innovative protocols to recruit a heterogeneous sample, allowing everyone to participate in the study regardless of their digital literacy.
The second wave of the data collection started in spring 2021, using semi-structured video-interviews, involving 31 individuals. The interview explores changes occurred in older people’s everyday life, the role of social relationships and social media use during the lockdown, and representation and social inclusion of older adults.
For information on the other waves:
Keywords: Covid-19, elders, ILQA-19, social media, well-being
Topic Classification:
Nations: Italy
Geographical Cover:Municipality of Bertonico Municipality of Casalpusterlengo Municipality of Castelgerundo Municipality of Castiglione D’Adda Municipality of Codogno Municipality of Fombio Municipality of Maleo Municipality of San Fiorano Municipality of Somaglia Municipality of Terranova dei Passerini
Geographical Unit: not applicable
Analysis Unit: individual
Universe: Residents in the municipalities covered by the research aged 65 to 80 years
Sample Procedure: 31 individuals. Snowball sampling
Weight: No weight used
Collection Mode: face to face interview
Collection Size: UniData supplies: 31 interview's transcriptions in MS Word format (ita), 1 interview script in PDF format (ita), 1 methodological notes in PDF format (ita), 1 Data List in PDF format (ita), 1 Archive notes in PDF format (ita) (35 file)
Script (pdf): | Data List (pdf): | Data Archive Notes (pdf): |
DDI Documentation: |
Garavaglia, E., Caliandro, A., Melis, G., Sala, E., & Zaccaria, D. (2023). Contrasting ageism in research on older adults and digital technologies: A methodological reflection. Digital Ageism (pp. 248-265). Routledge.
Melis, G., Sala, E., & Zaccaria, D. (2022). The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Researching Older People During the Covid-19 Pandemic. In Q. Gao & J. Zhou (A c. Di), Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design, Interaction and Technology Acceptance (pp. 53–68). Springer International Publishing.
Data Use Restriction:
Data are released for research and teaching purposes only and are subject to authorization. The redistribution to the third party, even in partial form, of data is not allowed. Please, contact UniData's archive in order to data access.
Source Contact: Emanuela Sala
Sala, Emanuela; Melis, Giulia; Zaccaria, Daniele. (2021) ILQA-19. Longitudinal Study on Older People’s Quality of Life during the Covid-19 pandemic. Melis, Giulia [Producer]. UniData - Bicocca Data Archive, Milan. Study Number SN255. Data file version 1.0 doi:10.20366/unimib/unidata/SN255-1.0
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Data are embargoed until 31/10/2024.