
New version: Eurobarometer 81.4: satisfaction with living conditions, perceptions of and attitudes towards the European Union, trust in institutions, Europe 2020, citizenship and European social reality (2014)

The Data Archive releases a new version of the Eurobarometer 81.4: satisfaction with living conditions, perceptions of and attitudes towards the European Union, trust in institutions, Europe 2020, citizenship and European social reality (2014) survey.

  • Data update to the last source’s release (2.0 – 17/03/2015):
    • archive pre-release:
      w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 w9 w10 w11 w13 w14 w15 w18 w19 w24 w22 w94 w23 w16 w95 w96 w97 w92 w29 w30 w81 w82 w89 w90 w84 w93 w98 wex: All weights based on population size factors are defective in the present dataset version.
      qd7.4 and qd7.14: Responses for Germany East and West missing.
      qa12_6: Responses for Cyprus TCC missing.
      d8 / d8r (AGE EDUCATION): Data corrected by TNS, particularly in view of responses to “still studying”