
News from the archive – September 2013

In September 2013 ADPSS-Sociodata archive has updated the following surveys:

  • EU-SILC cross-section (Eurostat, 2011) – new acquisition
  • Multiscopo “Aspects of daily life” – ICT Module (Istat, 2011) – new acquisition
  • Multiscopo “Aspects of daily life” – ICT Module (Istat, 2010) – new acquisition
  • Multiscopo “Aspects of daily life” – ICT Module (Istat, 2009) – new acquisition
  • Eurobarometer 78.1: European Unions institutions, the Europe 2020 strategy, the financial and economic crisis, European citizenship and information on European political matters (European Commission, 2012) – new acquisition
  • Eurobarometer 71.1: European Parliament and Elections, Economic Crisis, Climate Change, and Chemical Products  (European Commission, 2009) – Data edition updated (all embargo lifted)
  • Eurobarometer 69.2: National and European Identity, European Elections, European Values, and Climate Change (European Commission, 2008) – Data edition updated (all embargo lifted)