
Here you can find all news published on our site. Our goal is to keep users update on all the news by sources and other data archives, from Europe and beyond. From this page you can read all the published news. Soon we will create sub-categories and search filters to make easier the information access.


News from the archive – January 2014

In January 2014 ADPSS-Sociodata has acquired the following surveys: Flash Eurobarometer 514: Gender Inequalities in the UE (European Commission, 2012) – new acquisition European Social Survey – Round 6  – (European Social Survey Central Co-ordinating […]


[CALL – DL: 2014-02-21] DwB Call: trainig on EU-SILC data panel

Data without Boundaries, in cooperation with Eurostat, is organizing a course on the European Union Statistics on Living Conditions (EU-SILC) with a specific focus on the longitudinal component.  Host of […]


News from the archive – December 2013

In December 2013 ADPSS-Sociodata has updated the Eurobarometer surveys: Eurobarometer 72.5: E-Communications, Agriculture, Geographical and Labor Market Mobility, and Knowledge of Antibiotic Use (European Commission, 2009) – Data edition and metadata updated […]


News from the archive – November 2013

In November 2013 ADPSS-Sociodata archive has updated the following surveys: Italian Labour Force Survey (Istat, January 2013) – new acquisition Multiscopo “Aspects of Daily Life” (Istat, 2012) – Data edition […]


News from the archive – October 2013

In October 2013 ADPSS-Sociodata archive has updated the following surveys: Multiscopo “Aspects of daily life” (Istat, 2012) – new acquisition Multiscopo “Aspects of daily life” (Istat, 1994) – new acquisition Multiscopo “Aspects […]