
Here you can find all news published on our site. Our goal is to keep users update on all the news by sources and other data archives, from Europe and beyond. From this page you can read all the published news. Soon we will create sub-categories and search filters to make easier the information access.


News from the archive – April 2013

In April 2013 ADPSS-Sociodata archive has updated the following surveys: Italian Labour Force Survey (Istat, April 2012) – new acquisition Italian Labour Force Survey (Istat, July 2012) – new acquisition Italian Labour Force Survey (Istat, October […]


News from the archive – March 2013

In March 2013 ADPSS-Sociodata archive has updated the following surveys: Italian Labour Force Survey (Istat, January 2012) – new acquisition


GESIS Summer School 2013

The program for the GESIS Summer School in Survey Methodology 2013 is online and registration is open. This year, the summer school will be held from August 8 to 30 at […]


News from the archive – February 2013

In February 2013 ADPSS-Sociodata archive has updated the following surveys: Eurobarometer 76.4: Future of Europe, migration and security, e-communication (European Commission, 2011) – new acquisition Eurobarometer 77.2: Economic crisis, social services, trasports, agriculture […]


ICPSR Summer School

The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) is pleased to announce the 2013 Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research. As many subscribers to this list already […]