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The Census of Population and Housing is one of the most important surveys carried out by ISTAT. It is conducted every ten years from 1861, and the main objectives are:
- the count of the whole population and the recognition of its structural characteristics;
- updating and revision of civil registers;
- the definition of the legal population for juridical and electoral purposes;
- the collection of information about the number and structural characteristics of houses and buildings;
The Census collects information about demographic and family structure of the population, the types of their households, their level of education, their employment status, and other informations on residents population.
Through the 15th census, Istat were introduced some methodological and technical innovations, designed to simplify the organizational impact on municipalities, enhancing administrative data, retrieve timeliness in the dissemination of the final data, reduce the statistical burden on families. In 2011, for the first time, some information of socio-economic character were measured on a sample basis through the use of two types of questionnaire: one in a reduced form, with a few questions, including indispensable information for the production of the data required by the European Union with an high spatial detail, and one in complete form. The questionnaires have been prepared taking into account national and European legislation, the new detection strategy, the need to ensure international comparability, the demands of the users of census data and to ensure the continuity of some time series.
For this survey the following geographical unit levels are available:
- census tracts
- municipalities
Data are available for free in CSV format (registration required). After logging in, please click on the green button in the box at the right.
In order to optimize the time of use of the dataset, UniData offers a service of conversion in the statistical software format (SPSS, Stata, R or SAS). For detailed information visit the Services for Istat Data page.
For members, instead, data are available in the main formats used by the software for the statistical analysis.
Keywords: census, demography, employment, family, house, labour, unemployment
Topic Classification:
Nations: Italy
Geographical Unit: census area
Analysis Unit: geographic unit
Universe: All people present in Italy on Census day, 09 October 2011.
Sample Procedure: In urban areas with at least 20,000 inhabitants a sample was selected by a simple random sampling without replacement procedure of one third of the families. A complete version (long form) of the questionnaire has been sent to the sample, while a short version the questionnaire has been sent to all other inhabitants.
Weight: No weight used
Collection Mode: self-administered questionnaire
Collection Size: UniData supplies to members: 2 datasets in SPSS format (1 at the census tracts level, 1 at the municipality level); 1 methodological notes in PDF format and 1 codebook in PDF format.
UniData supplies to non-members: 20 datasets in CSV format (one of each Italian region); 1 methodological notes in PDF format and 1 codebook in PDF format.
(22 file)
Methodological Notes (pdf): | Codebook (pdf): |
DDI Documentation: |
Data Use Restriction:
ISTAT data are released in according to Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Licence, available here. The redistribution to the third party, even in partial form, of data available to UniData members only is not allowed.
Source Contact: Contact Centre
ISTAT. (2011) Census of population and housing. UniData - Bicocca Data Archive, Milan. Study Number DA0443. Data file version 1.0
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