
Italian Labour Force Survey – April (2020)



Changelog (Archive version):

1.0 - 2021-02-12
* first import routine of the study
* creation of new variables (distributed only to the members) concerning the qualification (SG25) and the type of course attended (H3) based on the information provided by the source. For more information see the attached documentation
* compared to the information provided by the source, some variables (RELPARM, AMATRIM, NN2M, RPN2M, TN2M) have been renamed to make them equal to those already present in the previous waves of the study. For more information see the attached documentation.



Changelog (Source release):

* first release



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Series Name:
RFL - Labour Force Survey

1.18 MB
other documentation

The Italian Labour Force Survey is the main source of statistical information on the Italian labor market. The information gathered from the population constitutes the basis on which official estimations of employment and unemployment are calculated, as well as information on the main job’s issues – occupation, the sector of economic activity, hours worked, contracts’ type and duration, training.

The survey data are used to analyze a number of individual, family and social factors too, such as the increasing labor mobility, changing professions, the growth in female participation, etc.., which determine the difference in labor participation of the population.

The questionnaire is divided into several sections. In particular, in addition to the first socio-demographic information, the first section covers the employment status during the interview’s week, dealing with questions about the type of work, hours worked, motivations about the unemployment status, the type of contract.

The second section – reserved for employed people – covers the main job, investigating, in particular, the position in the profession, the industry in which he works, the company he works for, working full-time or part-time and reasons for his selection, working hours, overtime hours, shift work, job transfer, salary, job satisfaction.

The third section – always reserved for employed people – concerns the secondary work (if any). It’s exclusively addressed to respondents who carry out another activity compared to the main one and only detects certain information such as the type of activity, type of contract, occupation, the economic sector he works in.

The fourth section – for unemployed people – collects information about previous work experiences: last work, type of contract, occupation, economic sector, the reasons why it stopped working.

The fifth section deals with the job search. It investigates the reason for seeking a job, the actions put in place to look for it, the channels used to look for and the type of work sought.

The sixth section deals with employment and temp agencies and investigates their use by the respondents: the number of contacts, the reason for contact, services required.

The seventh section covers education and vocational education. It deals with the training courses respondents are attending.

The last section focuses on the auto-perception of their employment status, compared to the previous year.

Data are available for free in CSV format (registration required). After logging in, please click on the green button download_arrow in the box at the right.

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Topic Classification:

  • LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT - employment
  • LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT - in-job training
  • LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT - unemployment
  • LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT - working conditions
  • Nations: Italy

    Geographical Unit: metropolitan municipality

    Analysis Unit: individual, family

    Universe: residents in Italy

    Sample Procedure: 101,600 individuals, 46,413 families. Two-stage stratified random sample

    Weight: Weight used. Please read the documentation for any details

    Collection Mode: Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI), Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI)

    Collection Size: UniData supplies: 1 dataset in SPSS (members only) or CSV (other users) format; 1 questionnaire in PDF format (ita); 1 methodological notes in PDF format (ita); 1 codebook in PDF format (ita); 1 PDF file with UniData's archive notes (ita); 1 ZIP file including the documentation (ita) from the source (codes for ATECO2007, CP2011, ISCED2011, ISCO08 classifications, sampling error estimations at the national, macro-regional and regional levels) (6 file)


    Methodological Notes (pdf):
    Codebook (pdf):
    Data Archive Notes (pdf):
    Documentation (zip):
    DDI Documentation:
    DDI Documentation

    Data Use Restriction:
    ISTAT data are released in according to Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Licence, available here. The redistribution to the third party, even in partial form, of data available to UniData members only is not allowed.
    Source Contact: Contact Centre

    Istat. (2020) Italian Labour Force Survey – April. UniData - Bicocca Data Archive, Milan. Study Number SN220. Data file version 1.0

    Deposit Requirement:
    The user is obliged to quote all data and documents disseminated by UniData and used in the own publications, using the information previously showed. The user is also obliged to send UniData the bibliographic citations related to the publications where the requested data and documents are used.

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