
International Eurobarometer Symposium at GESIS

The symposium “Four Decades of Surveying Europe – Perspectives on Academic Research with the European Commission’s Eurobarometer Surveys” will revisit this data resource that always represented, and still represents, the evidence base not only for European Union politics, but also for a vast body of research on political and social processes of European unification.

Hence there will be invited presentations on exemplary research topics from Political Science and Sociology. A concluding round table discussion shall focus on future perspectives of using Eurobarometer data in academic research.


Attendance is free of charge, but prior registration is required due to space restrictions until June 27, 2015.


The symposium will take place on July 10, 2015 at GESIS, in the heart of Cologne, where accommodation is widely available. For further information visits the Eurobarometer Symposium website.